Agnes Welcomes You...

Be what you would seem to be -- or, if you'd like it put more simply -- Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.~The Duchess

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Someone Other Than Me Took Pictures Of Stuff I Made.

No really I swear.

So, here's the scoop. Back in the day, before I was praised for my crafty skills, I used to be a dork. No, seriously, I know, you'd never know it today. I made my own earrings before it was cool, wore stretch pants (before they were called leggings & had stirrups), and had surprisingly hairy arms.

Because of this I guess you could say I was unpopular. Whatever. The popular kids are all fat now & have stupid kids who won't be popular meanwhile I'm a hot bitch with no responsibilities aside from a fat nugget cat named Cletis. I'd say this was a fair trade.

THIS IS BESIDE THE POINT. My point is that despite all of these dorky type things I still had this cool friend named Hillary. And she was crafty & like 10 feet tall & we were soulmates & I loved her so shut up. Well we both grew up & now we're both hot crafty bitches who do crafty things & blog about it.

God this is seriously going nowhere.

Long story long, Hillary is a stylist/crafter/collector/ninja & borrowed my baubles for a shoot.
The set was shot by Atlas & Elia Photography, who is also run by a crafty chick I went to school with. WE'S A FAMILY. You should definitely go check her site.

Hillary also has a blog filled with all types of crafty goodness. She gets featured all the time which means she's superior to me but that's ok 'cause in 6th grade we were both dorks. Anyway you should visit to see the rest of the shoot & also her crafty-type projects.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Website Updated!

This probably means absolutely nothing to you but it's awesome for me because it's been on my to-do list for like EVER. And blogging is all about me anyway so shut up I can't make EVERY post awesome, ok? Jeez...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Holy Crap Balls I Got Into Urban Craft Uprising

Holla!! For those of you that know, I applied for this thing twice already. REJECTED. Needless to say my already rampant insecurities were less than pleased about the prospect of getting shunned from the cool kids lunch table again. BUT this time around the craft gods decided I was worthy so Agnes is heading to Seattle!! Thank god I have a super hot boyfriend with a car that's not a piece of crap's a FANCY Subaru with butt warmers. And trunk space. Everything I just said is irrelevant except the trunk space part but I feel like it's important to declare somehow. Moving on...

I'll be here...December 3 & 4. Come buy stuff so I can afford my hotel room.
If you'd like more information on the show like all the other awesome vendors, go HERE...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The House That Agnes Built

This house exists. Wrap your mind around that people. No, you can't have the address because it's mine & I'm selfish. Plus if you went there & then took cooler pictures I'd look like a real asshole.

These lovely shots of my darling Emily will eventually be used for a lookbook & website updates but for right now they're just cool. Enjoy!