Agnes Welcomes You...

Be what you would seem to be -- or, if you'd like it put more simply -- Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.~The Duchess

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Have I mentioned before that I have an awesome friend who happens to be a letterpress printer? I'm pretty sure I have. Well anyhoo, her name is Allison & she is the talented proprietor of Lettuce Press. We will be neighbors at Crafty Wonderland this year & have happily become joined at the hip as giggly little craft companions at her printing studio in Portland.

Now, I've been toying with the idea of printing some nifty Agnes cards via her RIDICULOUS presses. They're big & shiny & clunky & have cool names (Hetty & Bib). <3

A few weeks back Allison & I were brainstorming on what an "Agnes" printed card would look like. My ideas were MEH...then she was like "what about a doily" and I was all like LIGHTBULB let's do some lace. And she was all like YES, and I was all like THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD.
Behold, the Agnes card. Props to Lettuce Press!!! Have her print all your cards/invites/prints & whatever because she's awesome at it. She's also doing a calender. Which will be sold at Crafty. That you can buy. Do it.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bite The Bullet.

Bullets with chains, bullets with crystal, bullets with pearls, BULLETS BULLETS BULLETS. I love to add these little guys to a craft table! They start conversation (one lady told me bullet shells always remind her of her childhood because she used to use them to catch ants which she would then bury, consequently killing the, ANYWAYS, they always seems to make people smile so I've tried to keep them fresh & interesting for all you bauble-loving folks out there. I've got quite the collection to be sold exclusively at some upcoming holiday shows! You can always request a bullet bauble from the Agnes Etsy as well, I may even list them eventually. WHAT. Yeah. Proactive.


All of these baubles (including the matching earrings!) are all under $30 which makes them a steal for holiday gifts!

Agnes Exclusives!

These little gems will ONLY be sold at the Urban Craft Uprising & Crafty Wonderland shows coming up in December! I only have a few of these little beauties to sell so I encourage all of you lovely reader(s) to swoop them up!

First up....drumroll please...

"Oh Deer!" Necklace:
These little guys will be $26.00...perfect gift for my fellow deer collectors.
(I hoard deer figurines, you people should be amazed I even considered letting these go)

Vintage Kellogg Pep Pin Necklaces:

I've got about 6 of these little guys...all for $24.00.
Not too shabby for a little piece of adorable history!

Again, these precious little baubles will ONLY be available at Crafty & UCU shows so you better roll your butt out of bed & snag them! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Declare War On The Senior Pic

So a while back I was looking through one of the yearbooks some of my employees just got & while I was attempting to block out my terrible high school experience that suddenly came rushing back I decided to look at the senior section and ohmygodtheyaresobad. I mean really folks. I'm not saying I'm all that great, don't get me wrong there (I am great but nobody likes a snob), but it is kinda surprising how boring senior pics are. Is this necessary? I think not. I say we start a movement people. DOWN WITH LAME SENIOR PICS.

The shoot below is the senior session I did for my little Iris...who is adorable & perfect & was a great sport even though I made her drive around all day to find all this crap.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


For really reals folks...2011 is the year of AGNES. Not even kidding. I totes got into Crafty Wonderland too!!! SHUT UP. I know. I love me. Come see me sell stuff.

Hope to see all of your lovely faces!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I've Got Swag.

For you. Swag for you. They'll be in the Crafty Wonderland goodie bags on December 10 & 11. Gotta get there early though!
Psst...I little known secret is that you get one of these goodies when you buy something. So if you can't drag your lazy ass out of bed early enough to get a goodie bag you can always buy cool shit & then get free cool shit. I know, I know...I'm a genius. You're welcome.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Crafting Crafting Everywhere, But Not a Drop To Drink

So because I have overzealously applied for every craft show from here to Seattle, I am now furiously crafting new baubles for your wearing pleasure. I've managed to find some pretty weird crap over the last year & for some reason I've decided all those pieces need to be made NOW. So if you like weird shit, it's your lucky day....

All this stuff is on Etsy! Shop away, fine readers...

And yes, you're damn right that's an Indian in drag. Wanna fight about it?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Nice Little Things At Little Things

Have I mentioned that you can get Agnes swag at the cutest store ever in NW Portland? Yes. Yes I have. Which means that all you assholes aren't listening to me ever. Which I can't blame you for but I certainly can judge you. Which I am doing. Right now.

Anyhows, I went & restocked/replaced some baubles down there so now you can go see them & buy them & junk. Which you might as well do because they go super fast & there's other cool schtuff you can by. Like cards & socks & other jewelry (which you can buy & I won't hate you even though you're a traitor) & a ton of other cute things made by local artisans. Which, if you're all anti-Wall Street or whatever is pretty good I think.

Don't know where the shop is? Oh, sure, let me do EVERYTHING for you. Gahd.

Little Things is HERE...go show some love.

Some of the baubles featured aaaaaaaare:
That little gem above is Ferdinand. He's perfect in every way.

There are also some new bullet pieces to go drool over. Like kinds with crystals & chains & stuff. You love it.