By the way, if you know people who own dead things: absolutely under no circumstances should you NOT ask to borrow them...unless it's like dead PEOPLE or parts in freezers and stuff 'cause that's gross and pretty illegal I think. Animals are ok foxes. I am patiently waiting for stuffed things to come my way so that I can immediately photograph them with pretty things. God I'm weird.

So that's basically it...there are more but seriously people? Stop being so damn greedy. More later.
Adult-type Details:
Photographer: Me...duh
Assistant: Emily L
Hair Accessories & Renaissance Woman: Jade Rose
Models: Erin W & Kyleen O
Makeup: Everyone but me 'cause I don't do that crap
Hair: Deven Miller
Jewelry: Also me...I like sparkles.
Anyway, Jade handled all the human stuff (models, make up, clothes) whilst I handled all the creepy shit like dead things & the security guards at the park. Which, by the way, are like the best/worst security guards on all the planet...I totally sweet talked our hot asses onto the rides which apparently is strictly forbidden. Except to pretty girls with big hair and makeup and junk.
Erin & Kyleen were incredibly good sports about the whole thing...models are awesome like that, you know? Like "oh hey, wanna climb on some rickety shit in heels so I can "get the shot"?"..."sure, no problem". You'd never see my ass up on stuff like that. Models rock...except Naomi Campbell...I hear she's a real scorpion.

I wish I could figure out how to make these pictures bigger or closer together or fancy or whatever. I'm an artist dammit...not a stupid computer programmer. But I DID figure out that if you click on the pictures they get all big & fabulous so I guess there's that.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this shoot! I wanna do moooore.
Agnes OUT.