Agnes Welcomes You...

Be what you would seem to be -- or, if you'd like it put more simply -- Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.~The Duchess

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Photo Class Fun...

So, in keeping with my "I don't fit in in school" repertoire, I took the following photos. We were supposed to be messing with F-stops so our instructor could then make them faaaaaabulous in HDR. I took some, incorrectly it turns out, but then got distracted by my current magnifying glass obsession. The instructor gave the all-to-familiar "well everyone likes something different speech" then promptly took my pictures off the big screen. Always a bridesmaid....

Anyway, these quickie pics are of my co-worker Mary, who, by all accounts, is a hot bitch. Enjoy.

As always, necklaces are available HERE.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Revisiting The Senior Portrait...

Soooo, I haven't taken Senior pics in a good 7-8 years so needless to say I was a touch nervous to take Karmen's. Luckily, she's cute & was completely willing to roll with my need to incorporate weird shit into photoshoots. Also a lucky break, my dad collects weird stuff too so I was able to score a sweet oscilloscope & some vintage headphones for the shoot. At least we're classy hoarders....

She even brought her Viola to the shoot under the condition I don't take a cheesy band nerd picture of her. Duly noted....

I honestly am looking forward to my next series of senior pics...I got so many good ideas from shooting these! Gah! Excited...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Long Lost Blog...

Forgive I am so so rusty from my unintentional boycott of this blog. While I curse my favorite blogs for not posting things for my enjoyment on a daily basis I've let this one rot into oblivion. Whoops. Well I'm back on the wagon folks! Or...FOLK...must not get too hasty on my count of readers...

I started taking a photo class so I figured I would start posting some of the more recent (or recently neglected) photos as I get to them. This shoot was from a "vintage bride" shoot I did with the always beautiful Erin & my sometimes partner in crime, Jade Rose Designs. I wanted to go for a 1940's feel for the shoot so I dug my fur coat out (PETA be damned...oh stop it, those animals would have been dead by now anyway) and headed up to the greenhouse out at Luscher Farm. Greenhouses are so great, the lighting is amazing, it's nice & toasty inside...ahhh...loves it. I even made a FAAAABulous pearl necklace monstrosity just for funsies. That sucker weighs like 10 pounds. Enjoy!

All the hair pieces are available at Jade's Etsy Site!!

Jewelry available at my alter ego's Etsy, with the exception of Mega Pearl...if you're interested, just email me from the Etsy & we can chit chat....

I love this next shot! It's so perfectly Vintage Glam & Old Hollywood...can't wait to take more!

How perfectly glamour is Erin's face?! Ah...I was born in the wrong set of decades...

Dita Von Teese, eat your heart out....

I was too lazy to copyright these (also copyrighting looks wonky to me) so, please please please don't steal them. I know voodoo & a slew of other nasty hellfire techniques and I'll come after you. Perhaps I will copyright them to save you the pain...eventually...