Errr sort of. Let's be honest folks, the likelihood of me committing to blog-dom (yeah, it's a word now, stop judging) is about as likely as me NOT writing a run-on sentence. Just smile & nod so we can get on with it....
Below are some shots I took of my folks, which I am particularly fond of just 'cause my parents are so damn weird/cute. For example: ME: "Hey dad, why don't you change your socks/maybe not wear the black shoes?" DAD: "Well shit, you already got me out here feeling like a weirdo with a guitar, why should I go take off my socks?" ME: "Mom, would you mind changing out of the white shirt so you're not so....white?" MOM: "Hell no, you're lucky I'm out here in the first place." I DID get my dad to take off the there's that...
Oh! If you click on the pictures they get all big & great so you can see how cute my parents are together.

And this....this is my parents' dog Stuart. Who is big & awesome & stupid & they totally love him more than me. He gets more attention than me, more treats, more love, everything. I'm ok with this for one reason...hugging Stuart is like hugging a panda. But without all the mauling.

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