Soooo lately my alter ego bauble making self has been making a lot of sparkly things. Rhinestones, know,
SPARKLY THINGS. Which I'm pretty sure chicks's an Audrey Hepburn thing. Case in point:
Anyway BECAUSE I've been making all these sparkly things I decided I needed to do a bridal-esque shoot to showcase them.
Problem #1: I have no wedding dress. No, you weirdo, I'm not gonna go buy one 'cause that's creepy. I already have 2 birds & a cat. It doesn't take much for "eccentric" to turn into "oh god there's that bird lady who wears the wedding dress to the grocery store". Trust.
Problem #2: There's this house I found once that I reeeaaaally wanted to do the shoot at but I couldn't remember where it was. I even drove around for like 2 hours trying to find it. Alas...
I did, however, have an awesome model. I also happen to be her boss so I was all like "hey, wanna be a model?", and she was all like "yeah" because I'm super authoritative & stuff.
Problem #3: Said model has shorter hair...long hair is awesome so we decided that we would buy hair extensions. This made me uncomfortable. See below...
The day before the shoot I managed to find my little crooked house on google earth (thank you for this somewhat unsettling advance in technology, smart people) & was SO happy 'cause ohmygodthathouseisawesome.
Then...the dress. Well, I already have all these cute vintage slips & dresses so I just packed those then turned my attention to my tulle curtains in my closet. Then...because they were white & boring...I did this:
Sorry, those are totally my boobs at the bottom of the picture. Didn't notice til now.
I dyed them curtains a blush pink...
Then....the short haired model. I BOUGHT A WEAVE Y'ALL. Seriously. I bought a real human hair weave. It was a scarring experience to say the least. Mainly because all I can think is where the eff did they get the hair? Are there hair sweatshops with like baby Cambodian girls taking vitamins & shit? I don't want to know honestly.
I have a new found respect for all those reality show girls that have their weaves ripped out in fights though. That hair gets sewn on clips (I sewed them myself thankyouverymuch) then clipped in your hair. That HURTS to get ripped out. The price paid for beauty is steep folks...STEEP.
**Really feelin' the CAPS lock key today...
So once the house was found, the weave was purchased & clipped in, the dress was make-shifted & the necklaces were packed in the car, we did THIS:
We also took some more "everyday" wear shots which I am also particularly fond of...
As always, jewelry is available HERE...but my website is getting launched super duper soon so keep an eye out for that!