Anyholidaymadness...I've decided to throw my creative genius to the sale zombies & do a Black Friday Sale at the Etsy shop.
It will begin on Midnight Thursday night & end at Midnight on Friday.
Get to it kids.
Here's what you do.
2. Click Buy, or Add to Cart or whatever it says (come on people)
3. When it takes you to all the payment junk, it'll ask for a Coupon Code...enter BLACKAGNES (see what I did there?) & you'll get 15% off that bauble you were lurving.
4. That's it...the rest is up to me & my ability to ship things in a timely matter
Let the madness begin! No really, you should take advantage of this because after the Crafty Wonderland sale I may only have like 3 necklaces left & then you'll be pissed.

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