Agnes Welcomes You...

Be what you would seem to be -- or, if you'd like it put more simply -- Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.~The Duchess

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Evolution Of The Bullet Necklace

For those of you that are familiar with my modus operandi (suck it honors english class), you know that I am a terrible procrastinator & more notably suffer from like the worst ADD ever. I looooooathe doing things more than once. Which is why making one-of-a-kind baubles are right up my sparkly alley. However, I realize that while always fun, it's not always practical to never offer people something simple that can be recreated. Right before the Spring Crafty Wonderland sale I did a little brainstorm sesh with my favorite Baer of Lettuce Press & we decided to vamp up my bullet necklaces. Shown below.

See? Amazing. I know what you're thinking...these are perfect, Agnes you're a genius. I know I know...thank you. BUT I kinda wanted to do something a little different so we decided to do some multiple chain drips from the bullet. The result? A FREAKING BULLET JELLYFISH MAN. Yeah. Sometimes I'm so clever I don't even understand what I'm doing anymore.

And earrings!!!

Soooo I previewed these little bad boys at the Crafty show and low & behold...HUGE HIT. Sold out. So now I gotta make more. Which I will be doing & listing. If you just HAVE to have one of these little industrial sea-folk, there are a few at The Little Things boutique which I will be blogging about next. Swoop em up people!!! Given my hatred for repetition I can't guarantee I'll be making a bazillion more of these. Just sayin...

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