Before I brag about my jewelry making skills, or my photography skills, or my model-finding skills or my blogging skills (incomparable) I would like to give a heartfelt thank you to Ikea. Ikea, you make really cool, shitty things that break a lot. The sheets I buy from you get stolen from the laundry room even though the buttons pop off & they have like an 11-thread count. However, despite your avalanche of short comings, you happen to make textiles that I inevitably end up turning into wedding gowns (see the dilapidated house photo-shoot below). This photo shoot is no different. BEHOLD, the Ikea blanket wedding dress. Which turned back into a blanket the second we took it off.

Pretty great right? I know. My genius knows no bounds. Unless you give me a story problem...then maybe notsomuch 'cause those things are super hard. Luckily none of the things I'm super awesome at have anything to do with story problems. Long story made long, here are some shots from a bridal-esque shoot I did to showcase not only some new baubles but also how hot my co-worker Mary is.

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