Agnes Welcomes You...

Be what you would seem to be -- or, if you'd like it put more simply -- Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.~The Duchess

Friday, November 30, 2012

Come See The Wonderland of Crafty! oldest & truest craft show friend: CRAFTY WONDERLAND.  Come on down & say hi!

I'm fixin' to have some very special sale items & a special goodie for my biggest fans!  Eeeps!

Monday, November 26, 2012

New Baubles For All!

Here are some of the new pieces I whipped together this weekend...I lurv weekends.  
All for sale in the shop!

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Definitive Black Friday Sale

Did I mention we're having a sale Friday?  No no...actually like everyone is on this list.  Which is an awesome list.  Go shop stuff!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Moment Of Silence Please...

So when I first started making baubles my mom told me it was a terrible idea to name each one like a pet because "it's like naming a chicken you know you're going to kill and eat later".  Now...while I'm sure that none you Agnes customers are consuming your baubles (dude, go to a doctor like now) it still makes me pout a little when one of my favorites sells.  So now, without further adieu...I give recent favorites that just went to good homes:

The Fox & The Horn


Don't miss out on your favorite!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Black Friday Sale Y'all!

Agnes has joined with the PDXEtsy team for an Etsy Black Friday sale TAKEOVER.  Basically it's all the awesomest people in Portland coming together and offering their wares for cheapsies.  BAZING.  
I'll be offering 20% off all the goods!  All you have to do is enter "PDXETSY2012" in the coupon code section and you're good to go.  For those of you that don't know (what are ya, a freak?), Black Friday, is Friday (duh), November 23.
So you could, say...get THIS...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Fall & Winter Agnes Love

We had an unusually warm Fall here in ole' Portland (make even one Portlandia joke and I will gladly fantasize about poking you in the eyeball).  We had a glorious September and even October so I took advantage of it with a fun little sunset photoshoot.  Once again, my little daughter Emily proved to be the best model ever.  Enjoy!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Oh hey Haight...What's shakin Ashbury?

With big girl baubles come big girl craft shows.  We're going (going, back, back) to Cali (Cali, Cali)!  **Jeez, sorry, somebody shouldn't be blogging after listening to the 90's Sirius station**  

We'll be at this big bad craft smorgasbord (spelled that right the first time thankyouverymuch) come December!  Come see us pretend to be adults!

Don't forget, we're doing FREE shipping the whole month of November!

Free Shipping In November!!

Hey!  From November 1-30 I'll be shipping Agnes baubles for freeeeeee.  All you have to do is enter "NOVEMBER" into the coupon code during check out!  Easy peasy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bullet Jewelry...Be Gone...Off With You

Those of you that know me know that I am awesome. But also that I have terrible ADD, dislike most people, and have zero patience for doing something over & over again.  How to I maintain relationships, you ask?  Well...I don't really.  That's why I have a cat.  
In the crafting world, my hatred for repetition is both inspiring but also a pain in the ass.  Mostly because once something I make becomes popular and people want to buy it is exactly when I get sick of  making it.  Which is why I'll probably never be like SUPER famous.  Which is ok 'cause people freak me out.  
I did it for a while...liked it...then lots of people liked it so I stopped making it because I am my own worst enemy.  BUT I made these instead.  Which I LURV.

These will be featured in the coming holiday season!!  Come & get em'.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Agnes @ Renegade LA!

Hey!  Looky!  Looky!  I was a big kid & went to LA to sell at the incomparable Renegade Craft Fair.  It was awesome.  In addition to feeling like a grown up I also learned some things:

1. I like driving...Alex does not
2. I do not like walking through Skid Row in ballerina flats...or at all really
3. They sell little baby turtles at convenience stores in Chinatown.

And this stuff happened too....
Not letting me drive...
Our lovely booth partners, 3rd Season Designs
The Agnes Booth!
Renegade Tents y'all
Agnes + Alex
Happy customer!
The side eye of the owl card holder...
Muh new purse by 3rd Season
My favorite find of the fair...

Lotta Hardware, Very Little Hippo

Did this little shoot several months back. I like it. We went to the famous Hippo Hardware & of course it was awesome. There's brass & dust & lights & junk so I felt right at home. 

Portland fashion photographer Agnes at Hippo HardwarePortland Jewelry designer, Agnes at Hippo Hardware

Portland fashion photographer and jewelry designer, agnes, at Hippo Hardware

Portland fashion photographer and jewelry designer, agnes, at Hippo Hardware

Oh and as promised...something NEW:

Portland Jewelry designer, Agnes deer brooch necklace

All baubles available HERE! Enjoy peeps.

It's Official...I am a terrible blogger

Can you even call yourself a blogger if you haven't done it for a year?  No?  Yeah, I figured. WELL I'M SORRY OK. I had....stuff...happen...or whatever.  Soooo now I'm gonna play catch up and post a bunch of stuff that already happened so I feel better about myself.  It's all about internal lies, really.  I'm ok with it.

To make this less lame, I promise to add something new for every old thing I post.  So there's that.

This is new: