So the month of December is generally the month I have a total nervous breakdown. From the 50 hour a week "day" job, to the craft shows, to the shopping, to the making of presents, gaaaahhhha;ldkjfa;lkdjfa;lkdfa;dkf;alkdfa;lkdf = BREAKDOWN.
So generally blogging is out of the question. But now that the dust has settled I can re-cap the highlights & hopefully get back on the blogging bandwagon. Which I will naturally fall back off of.
Sooooo first up was CraftyWonderland. It was awesome. Lots of crafty goodness & frantic shopping. I tested out the new vintage lace bow necklace, the mini-book necklaces & some varying bullet baubles & all were a success! Agnes = Happy. And I had awesome helpers all weekend & visitors & shoppers & junk.
Here's a crappy pic (my phone sucks) of my new & improved booth display. When, in attempting to simplify, I actually made heavier & more complicated. Semantics.

Here's a picture of me (EAT YOUR HEART OUT, STALKERS) most likely scowling whilst setting up. Nobody puts baubles in a corner.
Overall it was an exceptional event, something like 12,000+ people came out over two days. Can't wait for the Spring Show! Honestly, if you haven't gone, you're probably the lamest person on the planet.
I forgive you though.
Next Up: MY KICK ASS CHRISTMAS I love stuff. Particularly moderately creepy things. So imagine my complete feeling of yumminess when I opened THIS:

That. That is Agatha. She's your basic, run of the mill collection of succulents. BUT GROWN FROM BABY DOLL PARTS. And making a cameo are my awesome new Salt & Peppa (they're still ARTISTS people) shakers that I've named "The Twins". It was a baby doll part kind of Christmas. I also got some panda slippers & a headless panda stuffed animal. What I'm starting to realize about myself is that I'm beyond help. I'm ok with this.
So, I work for Parks & Rec (yes it's just like the show), and the Special Events crew was cleaning out their room full of useful/useless crap & piling it out in the hallway. Then I spotted them. Perfect little bird cage christmas lights....areyoufuckingseriouspeople.
They were gonna throw these away. THESE. Sheesh.
Needless to say I saved them from certain doom & ran away before anyone could try & claim them. Because they're mine. All mine.
Feast your eyes bitches:
I also did the Handmade NW sale & traded with the lovely MOSS Handmade...which I will rave about in a later post. The bird cage lights are enough for you to drool over in one post. Pace yourself, dear reader (s).
Merry Christmas y'all....
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