Agnes Welcomes You...

Be what you would seem to be -- or, if you'd like it put more simply -- Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.~The Duchess

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Closin' Out 2010 Y'all....

So the month of December is generally the month I have a total nervous breakdown. From the 50 hour a week "day" job, to the craft shows, to the shopping, to the making of presents, gaaaahhhha;ldkjfa;lkdjfa;lkdfa;dkf;alkdfa;lkdf = BREAKDOWN.
So generally blogging is out of the question. But now that the dust has settled I can re-cap the highlights & hopefully get back on the blogging bandwagon. Which I will naturally fall back off of.

Sooooo first up was CraftyWonderland. It was awesome. Lots of crafty goodness & frantic shopping. I tested out the new vintage lace bow necklace, the mini-book necklaces & some varying bullet baubles & all were a success! Agnes = Happy. And I had awesome helpers all weekend & visitors & shoppers & junk.

Here's a crappy pic (my phone sucks) of my new & improved booth display. When, in attempting to simplify, I actually made heavier & more complicated. Semantics.

Here's a picture of me (EAT YOUR HEART OUT, STALKERS) most likely scowling whilst setting up. Nobody puts baubles in a corner.

Overall it was an exceptional event, something like 12,000+ people came out over two days. Can't wait for the Spring Show! Honestly, if you haven't gone, you're probably the lamest person on the planet.
I forgive you though.

Next Up: MY KICK ASS CHRISTMAS I love stuff. Particularly moderately creepy things. So imagine my complete feeling of yumminess when I opened THIS:

That. That is Agatha. She's your basic, run of the mill collection of succulents. BUT GROWN FROM BABY DOLL PARTS. And making a cameo are my awesome new Salt & Peppa (they're still ARTISTS people) shakers that I've named "The Twins". It was a baby doll part kind of Christmas. I also got some panda slippers & a headless panda stuffed animal. What I'm starting to realize about myself is that I'm beyond help. I'm ok with this.

So, I work for Parks & Rec (yes it's just like the show), and the Special Events crew was cleaning out their room full of useful/useless crap & piling it out in the hallway. Then I spotted them. Perfect little bird cage christmas lights....areyoufuckingseriouspeople.
They were gonna throw these away. THESE. Sheesh.
Needless to say I saved them from certain doom & ran away before anyone could try & claim them. Because they're mine. All mine.
Feast your eyes bitches:

I also did the Handmade NW sale & traded with the lovely MOSS Handmade...which I will rave about in a later post. The bird cage lights are enough for you to drool over in one post. Pace yourself, dear reader (s).

Merry Christmas y'all....

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